Thursday, April 2, 2020

Teleworking - Day 9

Things are on the slow side up here in the high country.

I was just thinking about my rangers, still out there on the job....
"Stay Safe Out There"
That's what I've said to them each time one has left the office for the last 6 years....
Never knew how profound that saying from "Hill Street Blues" could be....


  1. Hope you are staying safe out there too.

    1. No cases of the virus where I live....fingers crossed it stays that why....

  2. Well good to find you again. Sorry about the death of your computer. At least it was just a passing friendship. Sending love from the Piedmont. Now stay safe.
    Sherry & jack

    1. It took me almost and hour to post those few words on my old computer....but...I knew it would be the only way to get my old (?) friends to find me.....
      Stay Safe.....Linda
