Thursday, April 30, 2020

Preparing for What's to Come....

We have spent the last few weeks preparing for future events that you never want to think about...
Things like:
Living Wills
Doctors Appointments (many)
Home Health Care 
I'm dealing with my mom's issues and CityBoy is dealing with the VA for Dad.
There was too much for one person.

Both the parental units are still mobile and shape as tacks....
But they are slowing down.
Home Health Care starts Monday and we've worked out a schedule for the doctors.
Lawyers are writing up the legal things we need.

Glad to have it under control.....
I get to go back to my real office tomorrow!!
Teleworking was not bad but I'm ready to be back in my park high up on the mountain.....

Sunday, April 19, 2020

Spring is Here.....Maybe?

Mikey and I squeezed in a walk up the gravel road, pass the cemetery into the little Christmas trees yesterday
Look what we found...
A patch of wild violets !

Hopefully the Hummers will show up soon....

Thursday, April 16, 2020

In a nut shell....

Actually I think it's been more than 15 days
I've lost count!!
Monday  the female parent unit was taken to the ER with a "small brain fart" as the doctor called it. 
He also said she will have no lasting effects from it and we hope to get her home this afternoon.

Learned yesterday that I will be teleworking thru the month of April and maybe longer.
So I washed a load of PJs, now I have clean clothes to wear to work......

And of course the "Dogs are still barking!" I think there is a deer in the yard somewhere.....
maybe Key West!

Friday, April 10, 2020

Crazy Time....Crazy Weather...

These are cherry blossoms on the tree at the bottom of the driveway.
What you can't see are the tiny, diamond bright, snow flakes swirling around.
I wish Mother Nature would make up her mind..... 

Day 19 of quarantine and teleworking for me....
Small things are beginning to excite me!

Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Curve Service

Yesterday was the little dogs yearly Vet check-up...
so I made a special mask using paw print material....
Guess What?!!
Curve Service...!
I never made it out of my truck..
A vet tech took my babies into the office and then brought them back to me..
The office girl came out with a portable scanner for my debit card....
And then the Vet called me on the phone to talk about what he had done and any concerns he or I had...
Done 15 minutes....!!

Monday, April 6, 2020

How I spent my weekend......

I knew all those scraps and fat quarters would come in handy someday....
I was busy making mask this weekend.
I made 8 on Saturday....
CityBoy grabbed one of the John Deere tractor ones....
Gave one to the FedEX delivery lady..she was delighted ....
And the other 6 went up the hill to the parental units, Brother  & SNL.
Parents are in their late eighty's...Brother works at a retirement village and SNL has early dementia.
My brother is really the only one who goes out of the house...but caution is the name of the game at this time.
I made 6 more on Sunday...2 more for our house, 2 for my teacher friend that has a multitude of health issues and 2 for my BFF since elementary school that is on a transplant list.
Hopefully, I'll make more this afternnon after the vet appointment....
Now to decide what to wear with my orange flowered mask?

Friday, April 3, 2020

Nada.....Not a one...

So far we have no cases of the virus in my little corner of the high country..!
Must be the clean air or the laid back relaxed way of life.
I''ll keep saying those prayers and keep my finger and toes crossed....

Thursday, April 2, 2020

Teleworking - Day 9

Things are on the slow side up here in the high country.

I was just thinking about my rangers, still out there on the job....
"Stay Safe Out There"
That's what I've said to them each time one has left the office for the last 6 years....
Never knew how profound that saying from "Hill Street Blues" could be....