Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Curve Service

Yesterday was the little dogs yearly Vet check-up...
so I made a special mask using paw print material....
Guess What?!!
Curve Service...!
I never made it out of my truck..
A vet tech took my babies into the office and then brought them back to me..
The office girl came out with a portable scanner for my debit card....
And then the Vet called me on the phone to talk about what he had done and any concerns he or I had...
Done 15 minutes....!!


  1. WOW, thanks for this report. Are we getting creative or what? Good stuff. Stay safe up on the mountains.
    From the Piedmont,
    Sherry & jack sending Love up the hill.

  2. This new, easy process should be permanently used. I really like the idea.
    It's such a shame that Windows 10 messed up your old blog. For some strange reason, I can no longer access my old Texas blog "Lone Star Concerto".

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