Thursday, April 16, 2020

In a nut shell....

Actually I think it's been more than 15 days
I've lost count!!
Monday  the female parent unit was taken to the ER with a "small brain fart" as the doctor called it. 
He also said she will have no lasting effects from it and we hope to get her home this afternoon.

Learned yesterday that I will be teleworking thru the month of April and maybe longer.
So I washed a load of PJs, now I have clean clothes to wear to work......

And of course the "Dogs are still barking!" I think there is a deer in the yard somewhere.....
maybe Key West!


  1. Hope your Mom will be okay. Scary times to visit Doctors or Hospitals! Stay safe...glad you get to work from home and will be comfy!:)

  2. You had to mention Key West. Son Mark was in High School there and thinks it is paradise or truly Margaretaville! BUT I (and many others) do know about that work uniform you now have.!
    WE enjoy your header picture!
    Sherry & jacdk

  3. Hi, I followed you over here from your old blog, good to see you successfully started anew.

  4. Glad your mother will be okay. Lockdown here was extended until May 26th.

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