Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Another Day of Telework

Once again I passed no one on my commute to work.
Do the dogs count?
They're never far from me now....
it's like being with 3 toddlers all the time!!
Attention....attention they want it constantly...
I keep telling them...."Daddy is in his chair sleeping...go bother him."
Maybe they'll miss me when I go back to work at the mountain.  For now....this teleworking's not so bad.

Bless the mother's of triplets!!!

Monday, March 30, 2020

New Game in Town

Well Windows 10 did it to me again!
Had to create a new blog.....
the old Blue Ridge Boomer is no more.

I named this blog "Dogs Always Barking"
cause that is the status of my house most of the time.

In fact one of the little hairy house flies is behind me right now barking....!!

I'll be dragging out the old computer...the one with my beloved Windows 7 this afternoon in hopes of sending out a final message from "Boomer."

Welcome to my new world.....